Just in time for Spring coming soon I want to present my AbCircuit which I have been doing for a time now already- it targets a wide range of your ab muscles for the best looks and strenght and at the same time you work up a sweat because the moves are dynamic and not static. So a light cardiovascular training, a lot of toning for your abs AND an overall body toning as you work with your own body weight.
This is one of my favorite workouts and combined with a jog, you will see how fast especially your middle section and the rest of your body will tone up.
For all moves: Try the number of reps I suggested, and for a lighter workout half or 3/4. You can also make your own target of reps.. every person likes to work out in different intensities!
For all moves: Try the number of reps I suggested, and for a lighter workout half or 3/4. You can also make your own target of reps.. every person likes to work out in different intensities!
Go into push-up position, and pull up your left knee up to your left elbow and then back down into push-up position. Then do the same with the right leg. Always stay in motion, so immediately after bringing one leg back, bring up the other to elbow. This is a very dynamic move, so don't shy back to look like a spidy in action :)