Ab Circuit- 7 moves to great abs!

Move 1-
do: 40 reps

Go into push-up position, and pull up your left knee up to your left elbow and then back down into push-up position. Then do the same with the right leg. Always stay in motion, so immediately after bringing one leg back, bring up the other to elbow. This is a very dynamic move, so don't shy back to look like a spidy in action :)

Move 2
The classic crunch
do: 40 reps

The sit-ups are long outdated by the more back-friendly crunch, which can be pretty effective when done right. Just make sure your lower back always touches the ground when in starting position and that you don't support your head with your hands. Just lay your fingers on your temples and lift upper body, your chest facing the sky and slowly come back into starting position. Your chin should not be close to your chest.  Make sure that the whole time you set your feet up in a way that only the heel is touching the ground.
Mixing it up: a crunch can be even more effective if you variate the time span lifting up/coming down. Also try to stay in lifted position and from there do a set of "miniature" short crunches before coming down again.

Move 3
The cross-over crunch
do: 40 reps

This is a little twist to the normal crunch and will train especially your side abdominal muscles. Go into the normal crunch starting position and then start by touching your right knee with your left elbow and then come down and do the same with the left knee and right elbow.
Mix it up: a bit harder is the so called "bicycle-crunch" where you don't come down with the upper body and push out the other leg which isn't meeting your elbow parallel to the floor, always switching sides until you complete the number of reps.

Move 4
Roll-Kick up
do: 40 reps

Lie on floor with bent knees and feet on floor. Then pull knees towards your chin , lifting up your butt from floor. Then kick up your feet towards the ceiling in a controlled movement and then bring legs and butt down again. Once down, go up immediately again so you stay in motion the whole time!

Move 5
The shifting side-plank
do: 40 reps (doing 20 on each side alternating x2)

Turn to side with elbow supporting upper body. Now push up your middle section and once pushed up, go down with middle section again, almost touching ground. Remember to always stay in motion, going up and coming down, going up...
Remember: your body should be parallel to a wall facing you; don't fall forwards.

Move 6
do: 60 reps, pause, another 40 reps

Sit with knees up, only heels touching floor. Then lean a bit backwards and make a fist with one hand, laying the other hand around the fist, elbows facing outwards. Then bring right elbow down to your right side, touching lightly the floor. From the rotate to the left, doing the same with the left elbow. Never stop and count one right elbow and one left elbow as one rep. Don't stop in middle, you should always be in motion!
The more you lean backwards, the harder this exercise gets!

Move 7
do: 20 reps each side alternating x2

Go on your side and lay elbow on floor next to/a bit in front of you, but don't lean on it or use it as support. Just as a help to balance yourself. Your legs are straight in the air and from there bring them with your knees to your elbow. Lying on your right hip that would be your left elbow touching your left knee and vice verse. Then bring legs back straight in the air, not touching the floor and then repeat exercise immediately again until you have 20 reps, then switch sides.

All of these exercises together will take you from 12 to 20 minutes. You will notice in a short period of time that the exercises will go easier and more fluent the more you do them! GO ABS :)!